Valve Steam: Portal 2 verschoben, Team Fortress 2 erscheint heute

Obwohl der Spielehersteller Valve für sein Nicht-Einhalten von Zeitplänen einen hohen Bekanntheitsgrad erreicht hat, soll dennoch im Laufe des heutigen Tages Team Fortress 2 für Mac OS X erscheinen.
In dem Blog von Team Fortress 2 steht seit gestern wörtlich:

„Big things are happening RIGHT NOW at Valve. Things involving cultivated tree-fruit. BIG things. Things that rhyme with „grapple.“ Things that rhyme with „Speem Gortress zmavailable on the Babac.“

Not today. But tomorrow. BIG THINGS. Stay tuned…“

Die Version für Windows-User befindet sich schon seit langer Zeit bei Steam und kostet dort 19,99 Euro. Die Version für Mac OS X wird heute online gestellt und preislich vermutlich das gleiche kosten.

Noch ein paar Worte zu Portal 2:
Ursprünglich plante Valve den Nachfolger des Erfolgsspiels Portal am 14. Juni 2010 bei einem Special Event im Rahmen der Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in Los Angeles vorzustellen. Dieser Termin wurde aber verschoben und man spricht statt einer Veröffentlichung im Herbst 2010 von irgendwann in 2011.


June 9, 2010 — Aperture Science, doing business as Aperture Laboratories LLC, in partnership with Valve today announced the successful completion of an ethics-review-panel-supervised release date restructuring process. Portal 2, the sequel to the ground-breaking title that earned over 30 Game of the Year awards despite missing its original ship date, is now targeted for a 2011 release.

Representatives from both companies acknowledged that public safety concerns factored into the decision. They went on to say that even though Portal 2 will arrive slightly later than planned, all life on earth won’t instantaneously stop as every molecule in your body explodes at the speed of light, which is what would happen should a rip ever appear in the fabric of Valve Time.

„Also, the game will be even better,“ they added, missing an historic opportunity to create the first product delay press release to mention that a product is being delayed to make it worse.

To ask questions about how close we all came to dying, or to ask futile questions about the previously announced E3 ***PORTAL-2-THEMED-FOR-GOD’S SAKE*** surprise or, less futilely, to schedule an appointment to attend a Portal 2 screening at the Valve booth during E3, please contact Valve’s delegate to the EU’s Valve Time Studies Group, Doug Lombardi.